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Noche oscura sumisa


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Kristof Cale rushes into the house, making his way to the living room, where he finds you lying seductively in black lingerie, waiting for what’s to come. He’s brought something for the night: some sex toys, including nipple clamps, handcuffs, ropes, and a sleek black whip! His voice is steady as he reassures you, reminding you that if anything is too much, you only need to say the word and he’ll stop.

Kristof leans in, kissing you gently, his hands touching your body. His lips move across your skin, kissing and licking from your neck down to your pussy. As he presses his lips against you through the fabric of your lingerie, your hands instinctively go to his head, but he pulls back, smiling. Before you realize it, he grabs your hands and cuffs them, securing you as he continues, his touch both thrilling and teasing, leaving you completely under his control. While having sex in different positions, you both try some toys like the whip, which turns you on very much and which makes this sex encounter a hot adventure you won’t forget.

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